
Starting my journey as a curious and ambitious individual, I am eager to learn and explore new opportunities. With a passion for analysis and a drive to make a difference, I compiled some highlights from completed projects as below.
EMCDDA wastewater analysis


In this project, my team and I investigated data from EU portal to visualize and suggest solutions to officials about each substance used. The project involved every step from data cleansing, exploratory analysis, analysis to visualizing through Python/Google Colaboratory.

heat map_usage over the week 2011-2021
heat map_usage over the week 2011-2021
User reseacrh & modelling - Spotify dataset
Financial analysis - ESG and CFP

This is a project dedicated to Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for Business course in which I teamed up and built a model to predict a song's popularity based on track characteristics. Additionally, clustering was integrated to deepen the understanding of the datasets. The project was conducted through RapidMiner, Excel, and Tableau.

This project is part of my analysis in my Bachelor's thesis which consisted of a regression analysis and evaluation of ESG and different firm characteristics on stock prices. The whole process includes extensive data collection, cleansing, dimensionality reduction, and regression on Excel.

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